SIL – Supported Independent Living

Under NDIS, supported independent living represents a crucial form of assistance designed to facilitate your residence within the comfort of your own home. Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is support for when you need to live out of home for a short period. While living in this selected accommodation, the primary aim is to empower you to lead a life of maximum independence while simultaneously fostering the development of your life skills.

This particular form of assistance is specifically tailored for individuals with more significant support requirements, ensuring that they receive continuous in-home support. The various forms of aid or oversight are such as assistance with essential daily activities, including personal care and meal preparation.

There exists a diverse range of home and living support options available, each catering to the unique needs of different individuals.

MTA – Medium Term Accommodation

MTA is intended for use when you cannot move into your long-term home because your support is not ready. The NDIS will usually fund up to 90 days for this accommodation.

STA – Short Term Accommodation

Our STA choices offer a secure and nurturing setting where individuals can stay for a maximum of 28 days, and this period can be utilized as a continuous stay or broken into shorter intervals to accommodate their specific requirements.

Our Services

CBSi complies with all the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) State and Commonwealth Government requirements for the delivery of quality and safe disability support services